
MLP Equestria Girl Minis Unboxing - Fluttershy and Applejack | Evies Toy House

2018-03-27 2 Dailymotion

Finally, the last two of the new My Little Pony toys Equestria Girls Mini dolls. We have reviewed Rainbow dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle. We finally have the last two, Fluttershy and Applejack. These Equestria Girl minis are the newest line of dolls from Hasbro. The Fluttershy and Applejack minis MLP dolls are a bit under 6 inches tall. They are fully made of plastic with no brushable hair. There is a doll for each of the mane six so collecting all of them is a must! They are poseable but because they are very top heavy, it is very hard for them to stand on their own. \r
Check out this unboxing and review of Fluttershy and Applejack. You can buy these dolls at Amazon, check out my blog post for the links to all the dolls. \r
My Little Pony Equestria Girls in other languages: 彩虹小马: 小马国女孩; 彩虹小馬: 小馬國女孩; 마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스; マイリトルポニー: エクエストリア・ガールズ; Девочки из Эквестрии\r
Check out these other MLP Equestria Girls toy videos!\r
MLP Equestria Girl Minis Unboxing - Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie Doll Review\r
MLP Friendship Games Equestria Girls Sci-Twi Twilight Sparkle Doll \r
My Little Pony Equestria Girls Doll Pens - Rainbow Dash & Twilight Sparkle\r
RAINBOW DASH Equestria Girls Radical Hair Deluxe\r
Fluttershy Slumber Party Set - My Little Pony Equestria Girls Minis\r
❤︎ About Evies Toy House ❤︎\r
Evies Toy House is a family friendly and kid friendly channel that unboxes and reviews popular toys, opens blind bags and blind boxes and giant play-doh surprise eggs! We also do challenges, collaborations, and lots and lots of giveaways!\r
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❤︎ Music ❤︎\r
Music: Moose; \r
YouTube Audio Library: Creative Commons Attribution license\r
Song Title: Dance in the Sun\r
Artist: Silver Dolphin Music\r
License: Creative Commons CC BY\r